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Asbestosis is a chronic inflammation of the lungs. The inflammation is a direct result of exposure to asbestos. Asbestosis is a progressive disease with no cure. The inflammation causes shortness of breath, which will get progressively worse as the disease progresses. Physicians can treat some of the symptoms of asbestosis with auxiliary oxygen, but it will not cure the disease. Death due to asbestosis occurs by respiratory failure.

Your Long Term Health

Asbestos related diseases, including asbestos cancer, do not show up until decades after exposure. Because of the long latency period between exposure and illness it can be hard to determine if you will suffer from asbestosis or mesothelioma. While asbestos exposure is the only way to develop these health problems, you may reduce or delay their development by taking care of your lungs today.

To protect your breathing:

  • If you do smoke, stop. In addition to mesothelioma and asbestosis, there is research that indicates that those who suffer from asbestos exposure and smoke are at a greatly increased risk of developing lung cancer.

  • Stay physically fit. Everyone’s definition of physical fitness is different, but up to thirty minutes of activity most days of the week will provide the most benefit. Physical fitness is important for healthy lungs.

  • Eat well. While there is no direct correlation proven between diet and mesothelioma or asbestosis, filling your meals with leafy and fibrous vegetables as well as whole grains has been proven to reduce the risk of other types of cancer.

What to do if you Think You May be at Risk?

If you think that you may have been exposed to asbestos at any time, it is important to share your concern with a physician. While asbestosis has no cure, early intervention can slow the progression of the disease. Mesothelioma is a very aggressive form of cancer, and one of the reasons that it has such a low survival rate is because it is not typically diagnosed until the disease is fairly advanced.

If you worked in an industry that has a high rate of asbestos exposure, you should consider yourself at risk of developing an asbestos related disease. Some occupations that had high rates of exposure include ship builders, petroleum plant workers, power plant workers and construction workers.

If you are concerned about asbestos in your home you should research the best remediation methods or hire an experienced contractor to do it for you. Although the remediation is not difficult, you must be careful and follow specific guidelines to reduce the risk of suffering from accidental exposure.

Asbestosis and mesothelioma are both serious conditions that can be a death sentence. While you may not be able to undue previous exposure to asbestos, you can commit to reducing your risk of exposure in the future, and take care of your body so that it will have the best chance of battling any disease that you may develop.

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